B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc., Ph.D. (UofT), P.Eng.
Professor, Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto
Phone: (416) 978-1821
Fax: (416) 978- 8605
Email: evansg@chem-eng.utoronto.ca
Research Areas
Air pollution, nuclear reactor safety, analytical chemistry, radiation chemistry, contaminated soils
Consulting Activity
Safety analysis relating to the environmental impact of nuclear facilities
Prof. Greg J. Evans obtained his B.A.Sc. (1982), M.A.Sc. (1984), and Ph. D. (1988) from the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering at the University of Toronto . Upon completion of his graduate studies, Dr Evans joined Atomic Energy Canada Limited where he worked as a research scientist in the Research Chemistry Branch at the Whiteshell Laboratories in Manitoba . He joined the Department of Chemical Engineering in 1990 as an Assistant Professor and Junior Chair in Nuclear Engineering, was promoted to Associate Professor in 1995 and became a full Professor in 2000. He is currently the Chair of First Year for the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science.
Professor Evans has served Chair of the University of Toronto Radiation Protection Authority , Chair of the Toronto Branch of the Canadian Nuclear Society and as a member of the University’s Senior Committee on Health and Safety. He has also served as a consultant for AECL, Ontario Hydro, EPRI, IPSN and a number of other nuclear related organizations.
Professor Evans’ recent research focuses on determining the origins and characteristics of airborne urban particulate matter As part of this research he has constructed a new facility containing Canada’s first real-time Laser Ablation Mass Spectrometer for the analysis of individual urban aerosol particles. His group is now applying this and other novel techniques to improve source identification modeling and characterize the particulate matter associate with smog at urban sites.
For over a decade, Prof. Evans has also played a prominent role internationally in regards to understanding the behaviour of radioiodine and other fission products and is regarded as one of the world’s leading experts in this field. Most of this work has been funded and executed in close collaboration with scientists and engineers at AECL and Ontario Hydro in Canada , Harwell in the UK , and IPSN in France . In 1996, he was part of a combined Canada/UK team that prepared a series of reports documenting the current understanding of radioiodine behaviour for the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) as part of a program supported by 17 countries.
Complete CV available upon request.